
Monday 7 December 2015

You Must Be Yolking

More often than not dear old Fanny is deadly serious when it comes to her discussion of food, her directions for preparation and her dissections for garnish. It is a serious business after all, and she wants us to take it equally seriously. However from time to time she just feels likes throwing it all up in air to have a chuckle. Clowning around isn't a normal way of things in the Cradock Kitchen, as you can imagine, but when she feels a little prank coming on, she frolics in and can barely contain herself. If the pun is a visual one, it would seem, more the better, and best of all if she can (wise)crack with an eggs-capade or two, the yolk is wonderfully complete. I'll try and contain myself...

Fanny Cradock Egg on Toast

Observable one-liners are very much en vogue at the moment, with the likes of the ever-inventive Frances Quinn and her amazing showstoppers on Great British Bake Off. Fannys stunts don't strive for the same standard of shenanigans, they are not quite as elaborate, but she does try to trick our eyes as we tuck in. Here, she wants us to believe we are making Poached Eggs. Sweet ones. Worry not, it's NOT like her beloved omelettes. There's nothing more to it than some droll sponge, quirky cream and apricot cups full of jest... The joke's on you if you think all cooking is complicated.

Fanny Cradock Egg on Toast

Fanny takes her ordinary 'fresh' sponge (you'll see that I freshly purchased a Madeira Cake but you may interpret her directions as you will) and slices it into squares, *spoiler*, as if to resemble slices of toast. You can probably guess the punchline to this one. My Madeira was a little thick and much as I like a doorstep sandwich, I neatly sliced it down the centre before beginning. The slices were still fairly hefty, so you could do the same again. Or you could just eat a huge wad of cake, like I did.

Fanny Cradock Egg on Toast

Fanny carefully whips some cream, by hand of course, until it is thick but not too firm, and spreads a little on each slice of 'toast' in as neat a not-quite-circular egg-shape as you can manage. Fanny suggests some grown-up supervision may be required, these are really for the little people to make you see. The final witty step is to glibly open a tin of apricot halves (or cups as Fanny correctly refers to them). An adult is definitely required for this, especially if like me your tin is the old-fashioned type without a ring-pull. I'm all for authenticity you see...

Fanny Cradock Egg on Toast

Dry off a 'cup' and plonk it onto the cream, a little off centre if you are pernickety about detail like moi, and voilĂ , there you have Fanny's Sweet Poached Eggs on Toast. Don't mention to Fanny they more closely resemble Fried Eggs, she won't laugh along. Everyone will be mightily fooled, everyone will laugh heartily, everyone will revel enviously in your whimsical repartee. They are, quite incidentally, fairly tasty too - a sweet, cakey, creamy, fruity treat. Farcical Fanny has also worked on a suitable joke *clears throat*, ahem, to share as you serve them, just to build on the theme. I'm just copying it out as she has written it okay? Alternatively, supply your own egg-based humour... "Do you know what the hen said to the dish of scrambled egg? Gee, you poor, crazy, mixed up kids!"

Fanny Cradock Egg on Toast

Poor old Dom at Belleau Kitchen may end up with egg on his face this month, as I'm sneakily entering these 'Sweet Poached Eggs' into his Simply Eggcellent blogger link-up thingy... The theme this month is Anything Goes, I do hope Dom is a good egg and accepts Fannys Funny Frolic in the good spirit it is intended... Pop over and share a 'yolk' or two with him...


  1. I love them! We actually just produced an even where we made fake eggs, they weren't quite as 'inventive' as these but nonetheless they were just as fun! Plus what you have here is peaches and cream on cake and there ain't nothing wrong with that! Pride of place in Simply Eggcellent! xx

  2. Those look nice. A few ingredients (custard, booze) short of a trifle.

    1. Sounds like a euphemism for Fanny herself! ;-)

    2. Whatever ingredient Fanny lacked, it probably wasn't the booze!

  3. Been so busy lately I haven had time to catch up with your blog. So pleased I have, I've missed my weekly dose of Fanny's capers. Another fab post that makes me smile & a tasty treat too.

    1. Glad you've made time to catch up! I have so little time at the moment, it's hard juggling everything isn't it? A wee smile and a laugh makes it all seem easier...

  4. I wanted to write, as you didn't that these look eggselenct, but Dom got in there first. Never mind, that's un oeuf egg puns.

    1. Uovo the distinction of being the first egg pun comment... Fanny would be so pleased...

  5. I remember having something like this when I was a nipper, at a hotel restaurant in the 1970s, but the cream was replaced by a pineapple ring. I think it was called "poached egg" on the menu, and I'd like to think some chef had looked at Fanny's version and thought, "I can go one better." I think Fanny might have Had A Few Choice Words if anyone had dared offer her canned fruit in a restaurant, of course!

    1. Thanks for sharing this wonderful story! A pineapple would be a tasty addition... I'm sure Fanny wold have had a thing or two to say though!

  6. Oeuf! I quite like the sound of these - egg or no egg :)

  7. I've had this bookmarked for ages now as I wanted to come back and leave a comment. A fun piece but even funnier is that you are submitting it to Dom's challenge. Well done!

    1. so much for coming back to comment, I really appreciate it! It made me smile doing it, writing about it and now I am beaming to think you enjoyed it! Hope Dom saw the funny side too!
