
Thursday 17 November 2016

A Very Distinctive Fanny

You should know by now that I am obsessed. Totally and absolutely fixated. Preoccupied some might say. It's okay, you can say it too - it's not really a big secret that I am infatuated with Fanny is it? Madame Cradock is on my mind all the time. She has a grip on my thoughts. She's bewitched, bothered and bewildered me for some time. She has taken over my every waking moment, and truth be told she has dominated my dreams too. She's got her hooks into me and I'm delighted about it!

Fanny Cradock Research

I love being immersed in her life, her work and her crazy creations. I love reading her words, gazing at her images and second-guessing her thoughts. I love watching her work. Some say I am gripped. Some say possessed. Some say haunted. Some people might even say plagued. For me though it's a joy that I have created for myself. My life and her life were well and truly wound up and wrapped up together enough as it was before this past year, but I have taken the immersion to another level.

Fanny Cradock Research

I've just completed a Masters course in Gastronomy. Yes, me. It's been a roller-coaster year of lectures, reading, writing and presenting - it's been full-on all about the assignments, assessments and anxieties. All on top of work. Strangely though I've loved it too. And I have survived. Fanny has been my saviour you see, in a strange twist of fate. I seized the chance to spend three months over the summer researching, digging, uncovering, gasping and rejoicing her life. Her real life. She became the focus off my dissertation project.

Fanny Cradock Research

This was never the plan. She had already crept into every available space of my life, but it appeared that there was no escape. Or perhaps no return. No denial. All my worlds collided at just the right time, and I was offered access to Fanny Cradock's own personal archive. I just can't explain how exciting that was for me. Her contribution to the world has never really been discussed beyond the usual mentions of ballgowns, eyebrows and green potatoes. Until now... Could I do it?

Fanny Cradock Research

So research in hand, insights noted and somehow all pulled together into a (hopefully) coherent set of 12,000 words for submission, I handed in my work. Then waited. And waited. It seemed like forever waiting on that mark. Had I done Fanny justice? Had I repaid all the kind offers of help and access with something decent? Would anyone find my research as fascinating as I had? Had I just made a Cradock of myself? Well, it turns out that I needn't have worried. My work earned me a Distinction. It's official. I now have a distinctive Fanny. I'm super pleased of course. I'm hoping to publish my research in some shape or form, hoping someone will want to read it! Maybe I should go for a PhD next. After all, what better to top off being a distinctive Fanny than being crowned a Fanny Doctor?

Fanny Cradock Research


  1. Massive congratulations on your distinction! A huge undertaking at anytime but to do it on top of work and running this site and all the other things you probably do is awesome. I would certainly be very interested in reading your research. I was also interested to read that list of books published by La Cradock. I have recently acquired volume 4 of the part set so that is all five bound sets now and I purchased the Adventurous Cooking booklet off Ebay for £0.01p! Congratulations once again.

    1. Hey, thanks so much! As part of my research I compiled a complete Bibliography - which includes many more books that Fanny listed herself (that's her list above) - so lots still to collect ;-)

  2. Congratulations. You thoroughly deserve every single mark and accolade. I would love to read your dissertation. Watching a film, literally changed your life, which I am ever thankful for, as I get to read about your Fanny passion in this most excellent blog. Well done. X

    1. Thanks so much, its amazing the twists and turns life can make! Thanks, hope you continue to enjoy... x

  3. I am so proud to be your friend - you are such a smart cookie and have done so well. You should be extremely proud of yourself and deserve everything - you are such a hard worker. x

    1. Aw that's so nice to read, thanks so much! The blog has brought so many smiles, and I am glad to say friends too! Lots more to do, hard work but fun! Thanks x

  4. Congratulations on your Distinctive Fanny!
    I feel a book is now on the cards and I shall be expecting a signed copy xx

  5. Massive congrats. A great accolade for your flamboyant Fanny fascination. I'm still waiting to read it.....

    1. Thanks so much, I m so pleased as you can imagine! Not long to wait I am sure... x

  6. Congratulations! I've just seen this post - what a great achievement!

    1. Thanks so much, I'm (obviously) very pleased! Wee break, then on to more I reckon...!

  7. Belated congratulations on your Distinvtive academic achievement. Well deserved I'm sure. I'm quite jealous you got access to her archive. That must have been fascinating.
