Saturday, 26 March 2016

Decor-ation, that's what you need

When I was young, Easter was all about the decoration. Our excitement didn't come from collecting more chocolate eggs than we could possibly consume, it was much simpler. We spent months (okay it may have just been weeks) planning our adornments, thinking about our designs, and collecting up paints, pens and paraphernalia to transform our very ordinary hard boiled eggs into wonderful creations that would surely outshine all others. Then we'd roll them down a hill and smash them.

Fanny Cradock Easter Bunny

I'm sure we did get a chocolate egg or two as well. They were simple ones, small and filled with only a few Smarties or such like. Nothing too fancy. Fanny would've been horrified. She clearly sees Easter as a time to go completely overboard on chocolate decoration. The sky's the limit, apparently, now that we have mastered the very basics. The world appears to have caught up with her aspirations now. The shops are full of every kind of decorated cocoa product you could imagine. Twitter is awash with sky-high piles of Creme Eggs atop cakes, drizzled with more chocolate and sprinkled with whole chocolate bars. Even Fanny could never have imagined. Fanny wanted us all to fabricate chocolate worlds that didn't exist really to brighten up our Easter celebrations.

Fanny Cradock Easter Bunny

We know by now that Fannys' world is a strange one, and Easter is no exception. She hopes that we'll join her in making some 'glamourous' Easter Eggs, attractively presented 'at speed'. All tiddled up and fancied, controlled only by our own time and available expenditure. The partwork is awash with templates to trace onto ordinary greaseproof paper to make our chocolate creations. What Fanny has in mind is, naturally, a giant chocolate Rabbit pulling a chocolate cart filled wth a chocolate egg which has been covered in Royal Icing. It's what you were hoping for isn't it?

Fanny Cradock Easter Bunny

Fanny says we can make the most delightful Easter gifts, even though we may have so very little experience. The cart is made in four parts. Chocolate needs to be melted and carefully spread onto the templates, being very careful to get to, but not over the edges. Fanny does not approve of wobbles. I'm terrible at this kind of thing. My chocolate of choice for a cart is white, with rainbow pieces (small Smarties) hidden throughout it. Then sprinkled with sugar confetti, of course, left to harden and carefully removed from the paper backing and assembled. Fanny suggests small chocolate biscuits for wheels (the cart clearly needs these to move...) for which I have mini Oreos. I never even knew they existed, near mind how handy they'd be for this Easter scene.

Fanny Cradock Easter Bunny

Fanny pops to the shop for the remaining items. Really. She buys a chocolate Rabbit to pull the cart. And a cheap chocolate egg to fancy up with Royal Icing to make a Snow White Egg. I can't for the life of me figure out who would want an iced chocolate egg, or why you would do it, but Fanny says it is the height of glamour, so... My chocolate bunny is a little small for his hand-fashioned cart, but I'm sure he'll manage to drag it to the top of the hill without many problems. I'm not so sure that the Royal Icing on the Egg will crack at all when it's shoved down the hill... maybe that's the point.

Fanny Cradock Easter Bunny


  1. The iced chocolate egg looks a little like cooked chicken sitting up proudly! I hope that doesn't offend. Fanny is a strange one ain't she?! (Your wagon looks great though)

    1. Fanny is so bizarre, she'd probably serve it with cooked chicken :-)
